The administrative territory of Boranesti commune is part of the large unit “Campia Vlasiei”, at the watershed between the Danube basin and that of Ialomita. In the north there is the Ialomitei meadow, and in the south, a high terrace, with elevations between + 18m and 35m.The commune is located parallel to the course of the Ialomita river, on its right bank. The Ialomita river has a meandriform course and an asymmetrical valley on a variable width between 1.5 km and 4.5 km.
The good fertility of the chernozems and the relief with very low slopes determined the use in agriculture on a large scale of the land fund and the predominant cereal character of the crops.

Located in a fertile area that allows the practice of large-scale agriculture, the lands owned by ITAGRA SA total an area of approximately 900 ha. In order to ensure a material base corresponding to a profitable activity, in addition to the agricultural land owned by the company, the company concluded, as leases, lease agreements for arable land with a total area of 900 ha. The lands are exploited in 2019 - 2020 as follows: - sunflower: 78 ha, - corn: 490 ha, - grade: 914 ha, - lucerne: 4 ha, - green peas: 79.

In the property of ITAGRA SA there is also the manor house "Nicu Chiroiu" (Boiereasca residence) - historical monument under the protection of the law due to the special architectural style, this being designed by an important Romanian architect - Paul Smarandescu. In addition to the farm buildings, we own numerous buildings with different destinations (forage and fertilizer deposits, etc.).

Cultivated land(ha)

Land in property(ha)

Leased land(ha)